Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Road less traveled

1) My father is a perfect example of why you should be passionate and love your job. He had the tough choice of having to choose an alternate career, and to this day though he finds his job tolerable, he wishes he had pursued the field he truly found desirable for a career, which was medicine. Due to circumstances and his upbringing in India however, he wasn't able to chase his dreams. Often he tells me how his father had not provided him with the information or opportunities that I possess. Reiterating often that I should seize the advantages I have in choosing a career. Like many Indians that immigrate to Canada in earlier times, he had been an extremely bright student, however upon reaching Canada pressure from his family to work any dead end job he could find in order to provide consumed his career and time. Eventually he became an engineer, but this only happened many, many years later. I've learned from his experiences that education is the only escape from rigorous and burdening times. He's taught me that it's important to pursue this, and that it will lead you along the path to finding and pursuing your passion too. I took away from him that to lead a fulfilling life, one must find something they enjoy to do for the rest of their life for work, and faithfully pursue it.

2) In the future I hope to find a career in Science, preferably in medicine. Since I was young I've also expressed a desire to do something in medicine, although the choice in career has changed often since my youth. Although my reasoning for choosing it was a career has switched from selfish reasons such as financial gains, to sincerely wanting to make a difference in helping people.
I have extensively talked with family members that are in the field or are trying to pursue it as well. This gives me a bit of insight on the difficulties of the field. I also volunteered at the hospital in order to see what the job can be like first hand. I plan to attend University somewhere and attain a Bachelor of Sciences degree, though my major at this point remains a mystery to myself, as who can tell what the future might hold for me. Many careers in sciences are also very competitive in nature, so trying to obtain a job that I'm passionate about could be a struggle, and something I'll have to take very seriously. Currently I plan taking loans, getting scholarships and whatever remains left over for costs I will approach my family for financial assistance, most likely working part time as well.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Taming of the Shrew and 10 things I hate about you

The movie "Ten Things I hate about you" was successful in capturing that essence of "Taming of the Shrew" in a modern context, to a great extent. Most of what made the movie so great was how they portrayed the development of Katherines conforming to what society deemed acceptable. Though done much differently, Patrick (Petruchio) successfully tamed her to the point where by the end of the movie she acted her age, and wasn't so cold any longer. The Bianca in the movie was also done well to contrast the one from the play, in how she acted ditzy and innocent, while the story progressed we saw her truer colors appear. She became more of an individual thinker, her traits becoming a little closer to that of what we saw her sister had. There were differences though, as we saw less suitors such as Gremio being more subtley played  by a character named Bogie, who played no real role in the romance.