Monday, November 1, 2010

Walter Mitty: Fast and the Furious

After Mrs. Mitty came out of the drugstore, they climbed into their automobile, Walter fastened his seat belt, turned on the windscreen wipers and carefully pulled away from the curb. As they drove out of Waterbury he noticed the car he had been searching for was now in viewing distance. Walter hit the clutch, and sped up, zooming past traffic. However now there were pursuers gaining on him, fast and armed. He avoided the bullets with his precise steering, and kept his eyes focused ahead, where his damsel in distress awaited for rescue. Dodging bullets along the way, Walter kept looking back at his GPS to see where his Pursuers, and the one who he was pursuing, were leading him to. The GPS stated that they were nearing an empty, and deserted lot. The cars internal phone system rang, and Walter quickly answered.

"I have a proposition for you, that could benefit both of us." said a raspy, unclear voice. 

"I'm all ears." answered Walter. 

After the discussion with his target was over, Walter instinctively knew this man was all talk, and no action. He had a huge Achilles heel, and Walter planned on abusing it. Now the cars entered the deserted lot, and Walter began slowing down, parking his car in the center, while the pursuers made a circle around him. Walter Mitty slowly opened his door, and stepped outside with his hands in the air.

"Hmph, you bunch of sorry dunces. I guess every dog has his day." mocked Walter. 

The man behind the car Walter had been chasing finally stepped out. He seemed to be around his 40's. Slowly taking off his shades, he replied, "Same goes for you, Walter Mitty," he scowled, "I guess even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in awhile."

"You give yourself too much credit, comparing tracking you to a blind squirrel"

"Shut up!" he roared, "Now Walter Mitty, I will extract my revenge. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

The man raised his gun to Walters forehead. "I came dressed to kill, Mitty.

Walter knew this was his last chance. He closed his eyes and worked up the courage to place his plan into effect. His lips began slowly moving, but not before he heard the click of the gun, and the loud, sharp noise of the bullet firing. Walter told himself subconsciously that he shouldn't have tempted fate.

A sharp pain suddenly seared in Walter Mitty's cheeks, as he awoke from his imagination startled. He looked over to the passenger seat to see a furious Mrs. Mitty fuming, and lecturing him about veering off the road and nearly causing an accident. Walter set himself straight, and drove his tediously long drive back home in silence, eventually pulling up to the curb of his house. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well organized essay. Good detail on your blogs. Quite well polished. Excellent term, Aaron. 56/60
